I've been watching people's relationships since I was young, wondering...What makes a strong marriage? Why do some marriages fall apart? Why do others seem to fizzle? Why do almost 50% of marriages end in divorce?
These questions have gotten stronger over the last year as my small circle of friends have experienced some of life's biggest stresses:
Job loss,
Unexpected pregnancies,
Abortion/Special needs babies
I've been watching how these issues have affected the spouse and family of the person experiencing the stress, AS WELL AS the friends supporting the family with the stress. Our small circle has projectively experienced the emotions associated with each of these traumatic events over the last year. How could we not? How else can we be compassionate without actually TRYING ON how the person that we're supporting is feeling?
2010 was not a pretty year for some. So we shall spend 2011 processing what we've experienced and the impact it has on marriage and family.
I'm looking forward to this!!!